Beyin Studio is developing galactic strategy game

Jnrbrain -that he is me- wanted to make a strategy game (politic of galactic) for himself. He wants develop simple strategy game for all user. The game fiction is like such as “Foundation” and “Star Wars”. He created a Harry Potter fan game but he worry about copyright and he understood he can get report! He didn’t want spend many times for HP fan game. He create this space game for timeless gamer.

Politic Of Galactic in

select units

unit minimap


After the 2000-year ceasefire, the Trythoon galaxy will be re-enter a dark period. The rebels who had the opportunity to fight the Empire forces against the Republic, formed a coalition against the Republic. The Republic in the center of the galaxy is at the stage of fragmentation. The Empire wants to add the ” The Protected Space Area by The United Nations of Galaxy” to own soil. Will the rebels be pleased with this policy of the empire?
These photos show Lidd planet’s status to you.

After the 2000-year ceasefire, the Trythoon galaxy will be re-enter a dark period.

177th century

The rebels who had the opportunity to fight the Empire forces against the Republic, formed a coalition against the Republic.

179th century

The Republic in the center of the galaxy is at the stage of fragmentation

180th century

Trythoon galaxy will enter a dark period. The Republic in the center of the galaxy is at the stage of fragmentation.

politic of galactic

Trythoon galaxy will enter a dark period. The Republic in the center of the galaxy is at the stage of fragmentation. politic of galactic

Galaxy of trythoon

politic of galactic strategy game

185th century

politic of galactic 186th century

186th century